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Wing participates in Navy Integrated Training Exercise

Members of the 111th FW participated in a Navy integrated training exercise (ITE) at NAS Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove Oct. 9. Training teams comprised of members from a variety of Navy and Air National Guard sections were tested on their ability to respond to an on-base emergency based on their section-specific emergency response plans.

Members of the 111th FW participated in a Navy integrated training exercise (ITE) at NAS Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove Oct. 9. Training teams comprised of members from a variety of Navy and Air National Guard sections were tested on their ability to respond to an on-base emergency based on their section-specific emergency response plans.

WILLOW GROVE AIR RESERVE STATION, Pa. -- -- Members of the 111th FW participated in a Navy integrated training exercise (ITE) at NAS Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove Oct. 9. Training teams comprised of members from a variety of Navy and Air National Guard sections were tested on their ability to respond to an on-base emergency based on their section-specific emergency response plans. From varied areas of expertise, they had to assess the situation, develop a course of action, perform operational risk management and engage the target.

Members from the Navy Command Staff, Navy Security, ANG Security Forces, contract security, Fire & Emergency Services, Navy Health Clinic, Emergency Management, Public Affairs, Fleet and Family Readiness, and Religious Ministry Support were evaluated on how they reacted to a scenario driven exercise. The exercise evaluated security procedures, airfield intrusion, securing the runway after an attack, casualty care, incident command operations and consequence management.

In this example, they were gauged on how they would react and communicate with one another should intruders come on base, attack the airfield and detonate an IED blowing up an aircraft and injuring bystanders. Security ran through a scenario to apply lethal force, detained the intruders and secured the runway to prevent further loss of life and property. 

The exercise gave medical personnel the opportunity to treat casualties. All training teams relayed exercise inputs from the field through the emergency operations center (EOC). Representatives at the EOC coordinated with other functional areas and passed the information back out to their counterparts. Weapons of mass destruction personnel and firefighters conducted live training on the flight line. A multimedia team comprised of a photographer and a videographer documented the events as they occurred for both training and historical purposes.

The exercise scenario rapidly moved along and helped everyone improve in several areas. Weaknesses in communications were identified and response and protection plans improvements were identified in real time. The exercise gave everyone the opportunity to come together from their varied backgrounds as work together as a team.

Every quarter, the Navy holds a training drill. This is the fourth such exercise held jointly with the 111th FW.