Former fitness records no longer available on AFFMS

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  • By U.S. Air Force
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Active duty, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard officers and enlisted members who wanted to maintain copies of their pre-July 2010 fitness records needed to access the Air Force Fitness Management System and save or print their records by Dec. 30, said Air Force Personnel Center officials.

AFFMS will be offline Dec. 31-Jan. 11 to enable AFPC teams to transition content to the improved Air Force Fitness Management System II, said 1st Lt. Nathan Strickland, AFPC Special Programs Branch Chief. When the new system comes back online, it will not include fitness information older than July 2010.

The new system - AFFMS II - will improve accessibility and fitness program managers' ability to manage fitness program records. In addition, it will feature more stringent security controls to protect members' information from unauthorized changes or updates.

"This system will provide Total Force Airmen with a more up-to-date, user-friendly fitness management system that will better support the overall Air Force Fitness program," Strickland said. "Before the system goes down, we want to make sure that Airmen are aware of the pending change and have time to go into the system to save their older records."

While there is no requirement for Airmen to maintain fitness records, Strickland advises Airmen who would like to maintain a copy of their fitness history prior to July 2010 to go to the current AFFMS site by Dec. 30 and download or print their pre-July 2010 information. Records can be printed or saved as PDFs, he said.

"In the interim, base fitness assessment centers and unit fitness program managers will maintain hard copies of fitness score sheets for Airmen who test while the system is down and will update those records once AFFMS II is up and running," Strickland said.