Video by Master Sgt. Tyrone Mitchell
111th Attack Wing Mission Video 2024
111th Attack Wing
Dec. 18, 2024 | 4:07
This video was created to give an update on the111th Attack Wing’s support to current international and domestic operations, significant training events, strategic planning initiatives, future mission opportunities, readiness of the force and more. The 111th Attack Wing is a unit of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, headquartered at Biddle Air National Guard Base in Horsham, Pennsylvania. The Wing is gained by the United States Air Force Air Combat Command. It is comprised of 1,200 Airmen assigned to (or dispersed across) 3 Groups and 12 Direct Reporting Squadrons within the wing’s structure. It provides protection of life, property, and the preservation of peace and order when tasked to do so by state or federal authorities. The Wing also provides operational and support units, as well as qualified personnel, to support wartime tasking and contingency commitments of any nature. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Master Sergeant Tyrone Mitchell/Released)

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